Katie Collins

Katie lives on a property near Wagga Wagga with her husband and four children. They run a successful regenerative grazing business with an emphasis on RCS principles and a focus on the health and wellbeing of the whole system.

Katie grew up on a mixed livestock and cropping property in Southern NSW. She has a background in health, working as an Occupational Therapist for 10 years before deciding to concentrate on farming full time. She also worked as a Chaplain for NSW Health and has a focus on the wellbeing of people from a whole person viewpoint.

Katie offers experience in the coaching and advisory spheres, working for RCS in these roles both remotely and in person. She has coached the Next Steps program and worked with a variety of NSW farm businesses to develop personalised, drought resilience-focused business plans under a Future Drought Fund initiative.

A graduate of RCS programs Farming & GrazingforProfit (FGFP), Next Steps and ExecutiveLink®, Katie has discovered a lifelong love of learning. She has completed many other courses including KLR Livestock Marketing, Low Stress Stockhandling and Natural Sequence Farming. She loves to share knowledge, has hosted RCS Keep In Touch Days, RCS FGFP field visits, Landcare field days, educational seminars, secondary school visits, primary school talks and was involved with the 2022 Earth Canvas art exhibition.

Katie is passionate about upskilling farmers in the areas of business and grazing management while ensuring they keep good connections within their family and community. She is a great encourager and loves to see people strive for and reach their full potential.

Katie’s specialties include:

  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Communication
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Human Health
  • Livestock Trading
  • MaiaGrazing
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visions and Goals
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