Grazing Charts

Our Grazing Chart is a powerful decision support tool that lets you record your livestock, rainfall and grazing data all in one place, meaning you can then analyse the current state and plan out future scenarios. 

With this tool for land management and grazing planning, monitoring and analysing, you can track your stock numbers and grazing position. This enables you to confidently make decisions to improve long-term productivity and profitability. 

We teach you how to effectively use this tool in Farming & GrazingforProfit, GrazingforProfit® and our Grazing Clinics or you can engage one of our Advisors to help you set up your current year, review previous years and plan scenarios for future seasons.

This tool is available for purchase in a paper format (one pack includes 25 grazing charts) for $55 AUD + postage or for those who have completed our Farming & GrazingforProfit, GrazingforProfit® or Grazing Clinic, there is also an Excel spreadsheet version available in the Members’ Area. If you have questions or would like to order a Grazing Chart, please contact us via the button below.

RCS Grazing Chart overlaid on cattle in a paddock

If a paper chart or Excel tool doesn’t quite suit your needs, here is an excellent alternative where you can record your grazing management information in a cloud-based app that empowers you to capture and convert operational information into valuable reports for decision-making.

MaiaGrazing offers: 

  • A quick glance, intuitive dashboard for easy situation reporting.
  • Livestock tracking, stockflows and reconciliation made easy.
  • Real-time paddock inventory and upcoming move reminders.
  • Availability on any device, anytime, anywhere—even without a mobile signal.
  • On-demand grazing performance analytics for decision-making.
  • Personalised stocking rate to carrying capacity benchmarking.
  • Unlimited users, properties, rainfall sites, enterprises and data.
  • Live gross product and kilograms produced analyses.
  • Suitability for any grazing system and any size business.

Contact MaiaGrazing for further information and to determine if this software is right for you.


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