Anthony Mott

Tony Mott

Tony grew up on a 50,000-acre sheep and cattle property north of Richmond in north-west QLD. He completed 18 months study for Accounting at Toowoomba Uni from 1978 to 1979 before returning home to the family properties. He worked in the family business until 1986 and then bought Somerville a 72,000-acre cattle property North of Richmond with a carrying capacity of 3,500 to 4,000 head.

In 1993 Tony and his wife Mandy completed GrazingforProfit® and proceeded to control the water on Somerville with 100 km of 63 mm poly, 18 250,000 gallon turkey nests and 27 trough watering points. They installed 500 km of one and two-wire electric fences and had the entire place under time-control grazing management by 1997.

Their goal at Somerville was to run a business that managed its four main assets, land, people, animals and finances so that they all grew optimally together. They had a mixed Brahman breeding and growing herd which fluctuated between 6,000 to 10,000 head on Somerville, and traded and fattened cattle on other leased and agisted properties around QLD.

They sold Somerville in early 2008, having increased the carrying capacity up to 8,000 head with the property fully under cells and rotational grazing.

Tony was CEO of Topex Livestock Marketing from 2008 to 2010 after they sold the business.

Since 2011 Tony has partially owned and run a number of startup businesses, which they have since exited. And in 2016 and 2017 he advised a mining company with RCS helping them manage and regenerate 10,000 acres on a daily, hands-on basis.

From October 2019 to December 2022, Tony has implemented regen principles and practices (time control grazing, cover cropping and soil biology applications) and set up a registered Carbon Project on 1200 acres of beautiful NSW Southern Highlands country.

Nature has so many tools and is so intelligent, precise and powerful in its responses. Tony’s passion is helping people, animals, and the land get in sync with nature and watching the magic that happens.

Tony’s specialties include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Communication
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Human Health
  • Livestock Breeding
  • Livestock Trading
  • MaiaGrazing
  • Managing Teams (HR)
  • Mapping Software
  • Off Farm Investment
  • Organics
  • Pastures
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Ruminant Nutrition
  • Soil Carbon, Land Management Strategies
  • Soil Health
  • Strategic Planning
  • Succession and Continuity Planning
  • Visions and Goals
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