Jim Viner

Jim Viner

Jim and his wife have managed their property near Gympie QLD since 1996 using RCS Grazing Principles.

Jim grew up on the family farm at Gympie, where the main focus was beef cattle, although over the years the business also included growing ginger. After completing school, Jim spent four years jackarooing on sheep, cattle and mixed cropping properties in Western Queensland and Western New South Wales. Jim completed a degree in Farm Management through Orange Agricultural College as well as RCS Applied Grazing Clinic (now RCS Grazing Clinic), Soil Health, Ruminant Nutrition and Business Fundamentals workshops, GrazingforProfit® a number of times and GraduateLink (now Next Steps coaching).

Jim has been involved with RCS since 1995 and having completed ExecutiveLink® in 2005 then again in 2016, Jim and his wife have developed their business into a mixture of cattle breeding, pasture seed production, hay production and commercial seed cleaning.

Jim is passionate about sustainable agriculture, both from an environmental and business point of view. Jim is an RCS coach and an ExecutiveLink® facilitator and enjoys guiding many people and businesses with his experience and knowledge of regenerative grazing to help them take control of their land, business and future.

Jim’s specialties include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Livestock Breeding
  • Livestock Trading
  • Mapping Software
  • Pastures
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Reproduction
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Ruminant Nutrition
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visions and Goals
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