Andrew Lawrie

Andrew Lawrie

Andrew lives west of Rockhampton QLD on 3,500ha along the Fitzroy River with his wife Meagan and has been based there since 2000 when they entered a family partnership after 15 years working in various roles with his mechanical trade.

Andrew is a GrazingforProfit®, GraduateLink (now Next Steps coaching) and ExecutiveLink® graduate. Post ExecutiveLink® Andrew’s family worked their way through family succession. Andrew and Meagan now have the privilege of running a cattle trading enterprise and living on the country he grew up on.

Over the last 16 years, Andrew, along with his family, changed their country from a traditional set-stocked operation to a more intensive time-controlled system. This transition has allowed Andrew to gain experience in property mapping, layout and installation of water and fencing infrastructure, management and monitoring techniques and a complete turnaround in livestock handling.

Andrew joined the RCS team in 2019 as a Technical Advisor, Facilitator and Next Steps Coach. He uses his invaluable experience to guide and advise the next group of farmers and graziers on how to run regenerative agricultural businesses successfully and profitably.

Andrew’s specialties include:

  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Livestock Breeding
  • Livestock Trading
  • MaiaGrazing
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Soil Carbon, Land Management Strategies
  • Strategic Planning
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