Unearth the possibilities of your agricultural business with FarmEye.

In the heartland of Australia, where vast stretches of land help feed the nation, agriculture is king. For time-poor Aussie producers, every decision matters, every crop counts, every animal is valued and every dollar is hard-earned.

RCS has provided producers with cutting-edge tools and insights for agricultural economic analysis since 1993. Two decades ago, RCS introduced ProfitProbe, a groundbreaking tool that has since become a cornerstone of economic data collection and analysis for agricultural enterprises across Australia.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to what we see as the future of business analysis: FarmEye.

The Digital Evolution: FarmEye

FarmEye represents a seismic shift in how we approach agricultural data analysis.

It seamlessly transitions from the offline world to the online realm, taking all the robust features of ProfitProbe and elevating them into a single, dynamic online platform.

This is where the future of your agricultural business begins, and it’s all about providing you with a comprehensive insight into your business’s strengths and areas of improvement.

Why FarmEye?

FarmEye is your one-stop-shop for complete analysis, and it’s designed with you in mind. Here’s why you should consider making it an integral part of your agricultural business:

  1. Intuitive & Flexible Data Entry: Data entry can be a daunting task, but FarmEye makes it effortless. It provides for data entry for your cattle and sheep enterprises, along with any other livestock enterprises, crops or other business ventures associated with the farm..
  2. Advanced Dashboard Design: FarmEye offers a sleek and user-friendly interface to visualise and interpret your data with unparalleled ease. No more struggling to make sense of complex spreadsheets and pdf reports.
  3. Real-time Analysis Reports: Stay always updated with rolling twelve-month benchmarking. With FarmEye, you’re always in the know about your business’s performance.
  4. Holistic Analysis: If you have multiple properties under one business, FarmEye lets you analyse enterprises across all of them. It’s a tool that helps you measure and manage every aspect of your agricultural operations.
  5. “What’s Under the Bonnet: ProfitProbe. Powering FarmEye is the game-changing tool ProfitProbe. It works to provide a comprehensive data-driven understanding of your agricultural business.”

More on ProfitProbe: A Deep Dive into Metrics

ProfitProbe is not just any accounting management tool – it’s a premier solution with over 20 years of expertise.

Specifically designed for broadacre agricultural enterprises in Australia, ProfitProbe offers detailed, data-driven analysis of both production and essential business metrics. It empowers you to make informed decisions that aligns with your business’ unique needs and goals.

Class-Leading Expertise

ProfitProbe is the culmination of two decades of expertise, and it goes beyond standard tax accounts. With a comprehensive dataset spanning 5,000 business years across various sectors like grazing and cotton, it offers insights that can transform your agricultural business. Developed in collaboration with Central Queensland University, ProfitProbe covers key business indicators such as profitability and property performance.

When combined with expert interpretation, ProfitProbe empowers businesses to enhance profits, optimise costs, improve efficiency, make informed decisions, and maintain a balanced financial perspective. The ProfitProbe Enhanced Analytics price of $74.80 per property per month provides instant access to live analytics that can reshape your decision-making process.

Data Security and Accuracy: Your Assurance with FarmEye

We understand that your data is not just numbers; it’s the lifeblood of your agricultural business. That’s why we’ve taken every precaution to ensure its security and accuracy.

With FarmEye, your financial and production data is uploaded to a secure, independent third-party server. Access is only available to staff with adequate security clearance and only for generating reports. You can rest assured that your data is safe and confidential.

The Importance of Accurate Data Entry

In the world of ProfitProbe, the rule of ‘you get out what you put in’ is paramount. Accurate data entry is not just important; it’s the key to unlocking the full potential of FarmEye. The more effort you put into ensuring the input data is correct, the more meaningful your analytics report will be. This accuracy allows you to confidently make strategic decisions based on your ProfitProbe results.

The Power of Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a process that allows us to assess your productivity, profitability, and efficiency in running an agricultural business. RCS ProfitProbe is unique in that it benchmarks your business with other production businesses and against your specific land type. While the benchmarking components within FarmEye are still in development, we encourage you to contact us if you’re interested and would like to be kept updated on this exciting feature.

Don’t Have All the Data? We Can Help!

If you find yourself without all the data needed for ProfitProbe, fear not. In most cases, we can work with you to extract the necessary information from your current records or bookkeeping programs. Basic records and statements like your stockbook, kill sheets, branding numbers, profit and loss, and balance sheet will contain most of the information needed to complete the ProfitProbe input.

In management accounting, we focus on what occurred during the financial year rather than just the cash movements in and out of the business. This approach gives a more meaningful overview of how well your business works for you and your overall position. It’s a crucial distinction that sets management accounting apart from taxation accounting.

To delve deeper into the concept of management accounting, we recommend attending a Business Fundamentals Workshop or Farming & Grazing for Profit program. These educational opportunities can provide valuable insights into optimizing your agricultural business with FarmEye.

In conclusion, FarmEye is not just a tool; it’s a game-changer for Australian farmers. It empowers you to make informed decisions, optimise your operations, and secure the future of your agricultural business. Powered by ProfitProbe, you’ll have a complete understanding of your business’s financial and ecological health.

So, why wait? Unearth the possibilities of your agricultural business with FarmEye today and take the first step towards a more prosperous and sustainable future. Free Call 1800 356 004

George Stacey

George Stacey

Advisor, Coach and FarmEye Specialist

If you would like to test drive FarmEye please complete the form below or call 1800 356 004.

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