RCS Australia is proud to have played a part in the first at-scale issue of a combined 151,312 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) to two Queensland beef enterprises.

The ACCUs were issued by the Clean Energy Regulator for Tom and Antoinette Archer’s 3851 ha “Rexton”, near Goondiwindi, and Andrew and Meagan Lawrie’s “Moora Plains”, near Gogango west of Rockhampton, in what is an unprecedented demonstration of the impact active land and livestock management has on removing carbon from the atmosphere and mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

On both properties, the net carbon value generated, after accounting for all discounts including but not limited to methane emissions, expenses associated with carbon measurement and project-related fees, was in excess of that generated through livestock production.

“This unquestionably shows there is more value to management than just the impact that you have on livestock production,” said Dr Terry McCosker OAM, who founded RCS Australia, best known for the GrazingforProfit® course, which the management team from both “Rexton” and “Moora Plains” have completed and is chair of CarbonLink™ who oversaw the project.

“In the first instance, it is important that management decisions are being made to elevate production businesses through greater soil health and biodiversity and, in the case of “Rexton” and “Moora Plains”, this was achieved through employing strategies developed by RCS Australia (Resource Consulting Services). For the Archers and Lawries, carbon has now proven to be a strong secondary source of income – a bonus for getting the management of the landscape right.”

McCosker said the study reported sequestration rates more than three times the conservative, original estimates and proved livestock could be positive contributors to carbon storage and ecological health.

“These outcomes serve as a compelling testament to the potential Australian agriculture holds, not only in driving the advancement of their respective businesses and industry towards carbon neutrality through enhanced soil and landscape health, but also in making enduring contributions towards national emissions reduction objectives in the long run,” Dr McCosker said.

The Carbon Journey

Key on-farm practices taught by RCS and implemented on both “Rexton” and “Moora Plains” included intensive grazing systems to facilitate greater soil and pasture rest periods, to support plant health and carbon sequestration.

“We became involved in regenerative farming about 20 years ago when we wanted to better look after our land and business, but learnt we were also managing for soil health – and that led us down the path to soil carbon,” Mr Archer said. “We did it to care for our landscape and improve production, but after making new changes, what we now have is a complementary income stream that is perhaps less volatile than that generated by livestock.”

The management implemented on “Rexton” and “Moora Plains” promotes carbon storage at levels that serve as “safe havens” beyond the more vulnerable soil surface, protecting it from droughts and fires that can strip out valuable reserves.

“Simply, the deeper the carbon, the less opportunity there is for it to escape the soil. We also now know 44 per cent of new carbon in soil was sequestered below 30 centimetres,” Dr McCosker said.

“Using regenerative practices, the carbon goes into the ground and stays there, even throughout drought. CarbonLink™ was able to capture that because we measure at depths of 120 centimetres – much deeper than the 30 centimetres research programs generally measure to.”

“The results we have seen through this landmark project have shown growing soil health and carbon storage can have an overwhelmingly positive impact on beef business productivity, carbon negative product and ecological health.”

Find out more about RCS and practices that promote carbon sequestration by contacting our team.

Want to find out more about the carbon journey at "Moora Plains"?

Practices taught by RCS Australia were used to sequester carbon in the soil. To learn about Andrew and Meagan Lawrie’s carbon journey at “Moora Plains”, fill out the form below.

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