James Pitts

James lives in Toowoomba and is currently a casual advisor and facilitator with RCS, having previously worked full-time with us from 2000-2003 as a highly respected advisor and teacher.  

In 2015, James worked on the indigenous Business Management and Advisory Project (BMAP) with RCS clients in the Northern Territory and South Australia.  

James has an Agricultural Science degree from University of Queensland and extensive practical experience having managed a number of properties (including Mt Gregory with 4,000 breeders).  

In recent years James managed the Wilsonton Ag Centre, the only remaining outdoor education facility specialising in agricultural studies. The Centre has won many prizes and accolades over the years for innovative and effective education and training. James believes, “As a learning institution, the Ag Centre needs to grow the next generation of food and fibre producers that will have the knowledge and understanding of the incredibly complex ecosystems that exist between the living on Earth. We need to teach our future producers to appreciate the level of complexity it requires to transform our food systems to be part of our natural world, and not dominate it. To do this without losing productivity, and to be implemented on a large scale is the exciting part of my work.” 

Through this vision, James has diversified his knowledge into exciting areas including, large scale Worm Farms, Aquaponics and Soldier Flies. “Animals that can take non-protein nitrogens and turn these into true proteins that can eventually be consumed by humans is a passion of mine, and of course the sharing of this knowledge with the younger generations.”   

James’ specialties include:

  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Communication
  • Ecology
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Livestock Breeding
  • Livestock Trading
  • Managing Teams (HR)
  • Mapping Software
  • Pastures
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Reproduction
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Ruminant Nutrition
  • Soil Health
  • Strategic Planning
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